Excerpt from SHINE
A Powerful 4-Step Plan For Becoming
A Star In Anything You Do


Mel Gibson, Miss America 2004 Ericka Dunlap, and others with Rage make any and all fallback positions nonexistent. You can’t say “Well, I’m going to go to that school, or to that city, or to that job, for six months and if it doesn’t work out, I’ll return home and go back to work at Wal-Mart.” If you truly believe you can retreat to less than you desire; that you can stop trying; that you can accept failure; that you can spend the rest of your life existing instead of living, then you lack the level of passion and commitment I call Rage.

Kelsey and Camille Grammer
With Kelly and Larry Thompson


You can’t get to the edge of your destiny, look down, look back up, start to think about it, and begin to rationalize it all. You have to imagine yourself as Butch Cassidy and your Rage as The Sundance Kid. You have to grab each other, and while screaming as loud as you can, jump together into the abyss. Damn, if that ain’t living!

Larry and William Shatner

Larry’s 7 Ways To Positively
Focus Your Rage

1. Take Responsibility and Control
2. Get Healthy - Physically & Mentally
3. Get Ragingly Real
4. Clean House Of Bad Habits
5. Adjust Your Attitude
6. Make A Leap
7. Change, Change, Change

Ronald Reagan and Larry

Ask yourself :
1. Are you doing things that “please you,” or things that “pay you”?
2. Are you following “your bliss” or merely “your opportunities”?
3. Are you using the talents you have been given or have you .buried them under your fear?
Are you being “efficient” with your life or “effective”? (Being efficient means doing things right. Being effective means doing the right things.)
5. If you let your spirit out, where would it take you?

Are you still growing? Or are you just growing older?


  • As your Rage is, so is your will.
  • As your will is, so is your action.
  • As your action is, so is your destiny.
I didn't just jump back on the bike and win. There were a lot of ups and downs, good results and bad results, but this time I didn't let the lows get to me.”
-Lance Armstrong

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-Scott Hamilton

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